"Saving just one dog won't change the world...but surely the world will change for that one dog." Author Unknown
ATTENTION: SRC Friends and Volunteers
Beware of Scammer using SRC name and photos of our rescue dogs
SRC has been informed of a number of Scams involving person using our Business Name or tagging our messages with links for people to find puppies being "rehomed" yet the dogs never appear. They might use other Rescue Organization's names also One person had sent Facebook messages to our volunteers telling them they would deliver a dog that was available for adoption and sent them the photo of the same dog that was on our website telling them that for prepayment they will go ahead and deliver the dog to them. No application, no pre-checks, just money and the asking price is more than our donation that is being requested. They offered to sell the dog to them and even deliver it to their city and state and in different states, they request different amounts of money. IE. In one state they asked for $250 and in the other for $450. Initially they identified themselves as THELMA'S Schnauzer on Facebook and said they represented SRC even using our information which is also found on this website. Now they are using many different names and even a California phone number. Regardless of the name they use or the amount of pre-payment they request, you will not be receiving anything for your money except being scammed. They do not represent SRC in any way. Unfortunately we live in a society where people work very hard to steal rather than to actually help those in need.
SRC has been informed of a number of Scams involving person using our Business Name or tagging our messages with links for people to find puppies being "rehomed" yet the dogs never appear. They might use other Rescue Organization's names also One person had sent Facebook messages to our volunteers telling them they would deliver a dog that was available for adoption and sent them the photo of the same dog that was on our website telling them that for prepayment they will go ahead and deliver the dog to them. No application, no pre-checks, just money and the asking price is more than our donation that is being requested. They offered to sell the dog to them and even deliver it to their city and state and in different states, they request different amounts of money. IE. In one state they asked for $250 and in the other for $450. Initially they identified themselves as THELMA'S Schnauzer on Facebook and said they represented SRC even using our information which is also found on this website. Now they are using many different names and even a California phone number. Regardless of the name they use or the amount of pre-payment they request, you will not be receiving anything for your money except being scammed. They do not represent SRC in any way. Unfortunately we live in a society where people work very hard to steal rather than to actually help those in need.
The only donation that you would be asked to make prior to picking up your rescued dog once you are approved by SRC will be a $5 donation in order to process your adoption application, and SRC does not process applications for other Rescue Organizations. Hopefully this will help put a stop to some of this illegal activity as it was sent out on our email list of over 500 persons. Our SRC volunteers are very aware of this activity and the notification is being left on our website is for those who might not yet be aware of those who would take advantage of them. We do not want that to happen to anyone! Since these people seem determined to defraud as many people as possible, and they are using our replies as often as possible, I am now deleting ALL links that are left on our FACEBOOK page. I get a copy of each one of them so I will be deleting them. This may mean that I delete one or two that are legitimate however even that is doubtful. As the Director of SRC, I will do everything possible to protect our Volunteers and Friends from losing money to Fraud.
Best regards,
Anita C. McGuire
Schnauzer Rescue of the Carolinas
Good News! SRC is back to normal since our Director has completed testing for Cardiac issues, and has been placed on medication for a problem that may be corrected with medication and some changes in lifestyle. SRC is no longer on sabbatical and will be increasing their intake as she improves with therapy and continued medication. SRC will not take in huge numbers of dogs in the future and those that come in usually have applicants waiting for them. We are so thankful for your support during this challenging time and your prayers. SRC has already taken in needy rescues during this time and they were adopted almost immediately. Currently we have two precious little boys and two little girls who will be posted soon if they don't get adopted as soon as they are ready. People know that our adorable dogs are given only the very best of care so they are willing to wait to adopt them. Our email is still adoptions@schnauzerrescueofthecarolinas.org and you may receive an application by email if you have trouble downloading one from our website. Our hours of operation will remain from 10am and 4pm Monday through Friday. Bless you for your continuing support. Now that we are back to work all donations are appreciated and will help save lives! SRC never forgot our worthy mission.
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The Home For Unwanted Canines in the Carolinas, Eastern Tennessee, and Virginia - Site Content
Schnauzer Rescue of the Carolinas (SRC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All our tax-deductible adoption donations go back into helping care for other rescues. We are a group of volunteers in North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Eastern Tennessee. Our sole purpose is to rescue dogs and provide them with secure and safe homes. We provide permanent homes for displaced Miniature, Standard, Giant Schnauzers, and occasionally 'endangered Honorary Schnauzers.
SRC aims to assure that each rescued canine in our care will have a happy and healthy life. As soon as this needy canine comes into our custody, the dog will be examined by one of our professional SRC vets for various tests.
Once cleared by our SRC approved vet, the dog is placed in a loving SRC foster home for a minimum of two weeks. This helps the foster parent to evaluate the rescued canine's demeanor and needs adequately. This way, the foster parent can give valuable information to the approved adoptive parent about their future family companion to ensure the upcoming adoption will be happy and successful. The foster parent’s evaluation is posted for prospective applicants to read before they apply to adopt the dog.
Adoption is a lifetime commitment. We, at SRC, strive to match our rescued canines and adoptive parents as closely as possible. This ensures our SRC rescued dog and its permanent family will be happy together and well matched.
If you would like to request an adoption application, see below where you may download adoption applications, foster applications or if you just want to help in other ways you may want to download a volunteer application. All these are here on our DOWNLOAD PAGE. If you plan to adopt, please start the approval process by donating $5.00 to have your completed adoption application processed This is tax-deductible and will be used for the medical needs of incoming rescues.
Please download and fill out your application for adoption, fostering, or volunteer efforts below. Please return the completed application to adoptions@schnauzerrescueofthecarolinas.org
The SRC Placement Team takes pride in being able to process applications quickly. That is what sets our organization apart from many others. We feel that solid applicants deserve a quick turnaround time, and we make every effort to expedite the processing of applications within reason.
Normally, an application can be processed within a couple of weeks or less, depending on the location and availability of the applicants and SRC volunteers. Please know that when you apply for one of our dogs, if you are approved, you must be ready to accept the new dog into your home shortly after approval. SRC is not able to hold dogs for people until they are ready and places dogs on a first-come basis. In addition, you do not have to go through our approval process every time you decide to adopt! As long as you are still living in the same home and your situation has not changed, then all the Placement Team needs to do is update your Vet reference so the next time is much faster and quicker! Be certain to let the Placement Team that you have already adopted from SRC and give them the date of adoption and the SRC ID of the dog you adopted plus send us those vet records. Your approval will be updated quickly.
With the rising cost of gas, SRC no longer offers transport for the dog you adopt If there is a dog you are interested in, please inquire ahead of time where it is located, so you may determine whether you will be willing to drive to that location to pick it up. Sometimes transports may be arranged if the applicants are eager to cover fuel costs; however, that is not a guarantee. SRC rescues dogs in four states and have foster homes scattered over our adoption area. Upon adoption, it will be your responsibility to arrange to pick up your new family friend.
DownloadSRC serves the areas of North and South Carolina, all of Virginia, and Eastern Tennessee for the adoption of Mini Schnauzers, Standard Schnauzers and Giant Schnauzers. SRC never ships any of its dogs, so all adopters must be prepared to come to our area to pick their newly adopted friend up.
1. Submit Application
Applications must be filled out completely. They may be obtained from our website or requesting by email. Applicants must live in either NC, SC, TN, or VA to adopt from SRC. No waivers are given.
2. Home Check
Once your application is submitted, a vet reference will be checked and as long as that is satisfactory, then a home visit will be scheduled (Covid-19 has changed this process; it has been replaced with interior and exterior photos of your home, plus phone interviews for the protection of applicants and our volunteers.)
3. Approve Application
All aspects being satisfactory, then you will be notified that you are approved to adopt from SRC. Your information packet is sent to the foster parent.
4. Meet the Dog
Once the foster parent has reviewed your information, they will answer your questions. You may have a meet and greet with the dog selected if desired.
5. Sign Adoption Contract
If you decide to adopt, a donation is made and a adoption contract must be signed prior to being able to take your new family companion home.
6. Take the Adopted Dog Home
After donation and paperwork is complete, plus your pet is home, please notify SRC. The dog's micro-chip will be registered in your name(s) by SRC at no charge.
7. SRC is Available During Adjustment
SRC is available for questions during the adjustment period to secure a successful adoption. SRC does not registers the microchip until you are ready and feel the adoption is what you want. If you decide that your adoption is not working out, you may NOT sell or give away this dog. It must come back to SRC.
Please download an application from our website to begin this adoption process. Our approval process is done as quickly as possible by our Placement Team. The length of the approval process depends on the number of applications in process and also your location in relation to volunteers available to conduct a home visit report efficiently. You may also secure an adoption application by requesting it from our email address which is adoptions@schnauzerrescueofthecarolinas.org if you have any trouble with the download.
Once the completed application is reviewed and accepted, a vet reference and an informal home visit are conducted, both of which must be satisfactory. If your vet reference is not satisfactory, a home visit will not be conducted. If everything is satisfactory, you will be notified of your approval. Once all these procedures are completed and the reports are compiled, you will be put in touch with the foster parent of the dog(s) you are interested in so that you may ask questions about those dogs. If your situation fits well with the dog you select, then someone with our Core Team will help you finalize the adoption which will include a donation made in honor of the adoption of this canine. You are not purchasing a dog but helping the next incoming rescue with its medical needs and this is a tax deductible donation if you itemize. An adoption contract must also be signed and returned. Once your paperwork is completed and your donation is made, then you may make arrangements to pick up your dog! This process does not take more than two weeks at the most as long as we are able to get a home visit scheduled in your location. (During Covid there is not a home visit done in order to protect our volunteers and our applicants. Photos of your home, both inside and outside including the yard will be requested and a phone interview will replace the home visit until this virus is over.)
SRC is a group of volunteers whose area of operation is within the areas of North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia, and Eastern Tennessee. We also adopt only to people located in those specific areas. SRC does not adopt outside of those specific areas so please do not request a waiver. This non-profit organization's sole purpose is to prevent cruelty of animals, specifically canines, by rescuing them and securing loving, permanent homes for displaced Miniature, Standard and Giant Schnauzers plus Honorary Schnauzers when room allows. SRC also works to help educate the public about their breed traits, health and nutritional needs to assure their future health and happiness. We also emphasize the importance of spay/neuter and micro-chipping to protect the health and security of your beloved canines. SRC works diligently to educate the public as to the importance of good dental care in extending the life expectancy of their dog's healthy lifespan.
Federal Tax Id #27-0061326
Schnauzer Rescue of the Carolinas, Inc. (SRC) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization -- all of our adoption donations go toward helping care for other rescued Schnauzers and Honorary Schnauzers in need of medical care.
SRC applied for incorporation on June 18, 2003 and was approved by the N.C. Secretary of State on July 8, 2003.
N.C. Charitable Solicitation License # SL009656
"Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-807-2214 . The license is not an endorsement by the State."
SRC fosters each one of our rescued canines in a loving family environment and spends many personal hours working with them to ensure that they are ready (both physically and emotionally) to move into his or her new forever home when adopted. Every rescued canine spends a minimum of two weeks in their foster home before being released for adoption. This evaluation allows the foster parent to give the new family a very good idea about the demeanor of their newly adopted dog, and better prepares them to understand what to expect when taking their new family companion home. Each SRC dog is vetted by an SRC approved vet. Each dog is given a thorough examination, de-wormed, given all necessary vaccinations, spayed/neutered, micro-chipped and provided any other medical procedures deemed necessary by our vet ( such as dental, ear cleaning, nail trim, etc.) The micro-chip is done for their future safety prior to being adopted from our custody and SRC remains secondary after the adoptive parents have the dog's micro-chip registered in their in their name by SRC. In this way SRC is able to help should the canine become lost or stolen and the adoptive parents are not available, SRC would be able to claim the dog and hold them until we could contact the adoptive parents. SRC is committed to the full lifetime happiness and welfare of each rescued canine that comes into our safe haven whether it is a Mini, Standard, Giant, or "Honorary" Schnauzer. As of June, 2020, Schnauzer Rescue of the Carolinas, Inc. will have been in operation as a reputable and successful rescue organization for seventeen (17) years. Our nonprofit organization has placed at least 4700 Schnauzers and "Honorary" Schnauzers plus made a large number of referrals that resulted in saving the lives of many worthy canines. In fact, our organization has even placed about 14 Felines with courtesy listings and even one Parrot, so our worthy mission is alive and well. We are most grateful to all those generous and dedicated volunteers who have put in so many long hours and have asked nothing in return except that these animals live well, be happy, and flourish! Bless them all.
Should you want to join our SRC family and help to save needy rescued canines, we are always looking for more volunteers. Also please keep in mind that our foster parents are given the first option to adopt their fostered canines before they are offered to other applicants. Please email the SRC Core Team for a volunteer application at this email address:
adoptions@schnauzerrescueofthecarolinas.org and one will be sent to you right away. This may now be downloaded here from our website on this HOME PAGE for your convenience.
SRC requires a completed adoption application as part of our approval process which also includes a vet and an informal home visit done after your application is submitted to our Placement Team for their review. Our approval process is conducted professionally and as quickly as possible. SRC works diligently to match the right dogs with the appropriate forever homes -- there is a Volunteer Intake Coordinator that specifically works with this assignment to assure that our adoptions are successful and happy ones. All SRC members are volunteers and are unpaid for their services so that financial donations may go to the medical needs of our rescued dogs. Applicant's specific questions will be answered as soon as the approval process is concluded. Contact is arranged with the rescue dog's foster parents after approval is received so that approved applicants may have any questions answered about the dog of their choice. Everything that is known about each dog is written into their bio and these bios are updated frequently. SRC also provides guidance for new adoptive parents upon request and is thoroughly committed to their worthy mission. Each dog in our care receives a thorough vet exam, de-worming, necessary vaccines, spay/neuter, micro-chip, and any medical needs addressed as necessary by our vet prior to being placed in loving SRC foster care for evaluation of a minimum of two weeks. The two week requirement assures that each foster family will be able to give the adoptive family a better idea of the demeanor of their new family companion when he or she is adopted. A tax deductible donation according to the age of the canine adopted will be requested shortly before the time of the adoption of your selected rescue. This is NOT the purchase of a pet, this is a donation for the medical needs of future incoming rescues and is therefore helping needy canines that might otherwise perish without your assistance..
Should you want to help our rescued Schnauzers, please go to our FACEBOOK page and there is a section set up for you to donate there. If you would like a tax letter, one will be provided for you. These donations go through a 501c3 Charity.
You may also mail a check to SCHNAUZER RESCUE OF THE CAROLINAS % A. C. McGuire 2643 Tumbleweed Drive Lenoir, NC 28645-9310. If you would like a tax letter you will receive one once your check is received and deposited. Bless You for contributing to SRC's worthy mission!
Adoption of an animal in need saves lives. Adopt a dog from a reputable Rescue Organization and you'll have a friend for life. Your friend will already be vetted and evaluated for their demeanor so that their demeanor will more closely match your personality traits. SRC stands behind our canines; and if necessary, your adopted dog may be returned to us per your adoption contract.
Please contact us at adoptions@schnauzerrescueofthecarolinas.org when you have comments or suggestions. We always welcome your offer of assistance to help rescues!
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